Upgrading your education website with live chat software


Students and parents alike use your education website as a resource. Are you offering them an adequate online support service?

If your website remains a closed book with no offering of real-time assistance, the answer is no. Live chat software can change that.

Breathe life into your website

Today’s students are natives when it comes to digital communication. Since the education industry is continuously exchanging information with students, it needs to embrace modern engagement methods.

That’s just the space that live chat fills. Not only does it instantly make your website more approachable and accessible, it helps build the image of a modern educational institution. To boost interactions, begin with an interactive website.

Improve student and parental engagement

Live chat software builds relationships. A student could be prospecting a particular course on your website, and want more details. A parent could be reading about a school trip online, and have a quick question to ask. Perhaps an absence needs reporting.

Whatever the need, a chat app on your education website gets the conversation started quickly. All whilst browsing your website, and without taking time out to make a call or send an email, students and parents can engage easily and instantly.

Increase applications and enrolments

Enrolment doesn’t have to be tedious. With a live chat platform on your education website, you can make the online application experience a welcoming one. From initial warm greeting to one-on-one support, chat is a fantastic enrolment aid.

You can send automatic greeting messages to show that you’re there to help. You can clarify any admission-related issues, answer questions and point users to useful information. All this means one thing: you can create a smooth online journey that cultivates recruitment.

Facilitate internal workflow

A reception desk might use live chat to signpost. Library staff might use it to advise on titles and availability. An IT department might use it to help students struggling with online systems, careers counselling to deliver advice, and faculty to advise and support.

The point is: live chat software can be personalised for each department. Students or parents can quickly select who they wish to speak to, and receive a different experience with every team. There’s no wasted time on misdirected phone calls – just rapid, relevant connection.

Secure data exchange

Security and confidentiality are key aspects of your communication with students and parents. Don’t be misled by the convenience and accessibility of live chat software: it offers unsurpassable security. You can even install WhosOn on your own servers if you wish.

Encrypted connections mean you can chat with peace of mind. Any files sent, any sensitive information shared, is done so via an established, secure connection that is monitored and filtered by firewalls. You get real-time data exchange, without risk.

Set efficiency standards

As an education provider, you want to evoke efficiency and productivity in all that you do. Because it allows your employees to communicate with more people, in less time and with less resource, live chat software helps you achieve that goal.

Chat lets employees speak to multiple people at once, rather than being tied to a call. It allows them to send canned responses, to save time on retyping common messages. It even makes them multi-lingual, translating text back and forth in real-time. In short, it powers productivity.

Student data at the ready

It’s easier to assist students when you have their data to hand. Similarly, it’s easier to support parents when you have the relevant information about their child readily available, complete with previous interactions pre-loaded.

So, WhosOn integrates with your CRM. It connects with your database. It displays previous chat session from repeat visitors to your education website. You get all the information you need to give relevant service to live chat users, right away.

Quality control

Naturally, you want to maintain high standards across your digital outlets. To help you create a winning online experience, live chat software allows you to conduct quality control to drive continual improvements.

All your chat transcripts are stored in a central database. That enables you to assess and to share, to inform staff training, and to identify common queries. And with its extensive web analytics, WhosOn also allows you to identify web hotspots and issues, to ascertain what’s working and what’s not.

Upgrade your education website

WhosOn is trusted by multiple universities, schools and colleges around the world. To see its benefits for yourself, request your free trial today.

Useful links

Accessible customer service: is your business open?

Five underplayed benefits of self-hosted chat

WhosOn free trial

Enterprise-grade chat - free to trial for 30 days

Before we start work on your chat project, we need to take the time to understand your business and its goals. Then, we can recommend next steps, start planning any custom work and get you set up with a free trial.

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