Agent activity logs: a feature dive


Do you know how many live chat sessions your agents are handling each day? What about how long they’re spending in their sessions, or how much time they’re ‘away’, or how their customer reviews are going across the day?

If you’re lacking that level of insight, you need access to agent activity logs.

But what exactly are agent activity logs, who are they for, and what data do they collect?

To answer these questions, we’ve put together an in-depth explanation. Here’s a dive into this handy WhosOn management feature.

What are agent activity logs?

Agent activity logs are daily records of everything your live chat agents have been up to on the channel. They keep track of the activity details for each agent on a day-by-day basis. This includes both activity and performance metrics.

So, you’ll have a record of activity, with metrics such as an agent’s status throughout the day, time spent in and out of chat sessions, when they log-in/out and so on.

Alongside this, you also have that agent’s performance indicators. For example, chat ratings and sentiment analysis scores. 

Agent activity logs also have a copy of the chat transcripts for each agent, too.

A sample agent activity log

Who are they for?

Agent activity logs are a tool for supervisors and managers only. They're stored away from the chat client that agents use to converse with customers, and aren’t visible to either.

Instead, agent activity logs sit inside the WhosOn settings portal. So, only those with access to the portal can view them. (Namely, your supervisors and chat administrators.)

But, while they’re only available to your supervisors, agent activity logs benefit agents too.

Why are agent activity logs useful?

With agent activity logs, supervisors get a handy way to track the work that their agents are doing. They give insight into both agent productivity and the quality of the customer experience that each agent offers. 

Agents, meanwhile, have full transparency around their work. It gets recorded, and can be recognised.

Plus, if an agent finds that they are falling behind or struggling, supervisors will be able to spot the trend. Then, they can take steps to fix the problem.

This might be to adjust that agent's workload or improve their training to help them succeed.

How do they work?

During the day, your agents generate data about how they perform. From the moment they log in, to the time they clock out, WhosOn keeps track of this activity.

This data comes in many forms — from times and statuses, to numerical sentiment scores. Agent activity logs simply collect it all and sort it into an accessible and understandable format.

Then, WhosOn stores this overview in a handy calendar view. So, you can take a granular approach to agent management, viewing their progress and performance on a day-by-day basis.

Agent activity logs

Agent activity logs are just one of the handy management features that WhosOn has to offer. With them, your supervisors get a helpful overview of how your agents are performing.

Why not explore agent activity logs and everything else WhosOn has to offer, with a 30-day free trial.

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