A note from the WhosOn team on COVID-19


Amid the turbulence of COVID-19, we’d like to reassure our customers that WhosOn will continue to operate as normal. Your access to live chat is one thing you don’t have to worry about.

Many of you have reached out to us recently to ask about our operational plans over the coming months. We’re here to confirm that we stand by you, and we stand by our SLAs.

So, your servers will remain running throughout the pandemic. Your WhosOn service will remain uninterrupted. And your access to customer service and support remains the same as it ever did.

The steps we’re taking for our customers

We have both a pandemic policy and a business continuity plan, drawn up in preparation for times such as these. These plans outline the measures we take as a company to cope with an emergency or crisis. And, importantly, they were last reviewed on 2020-03-04. So, we’re up to date and have all bases covered.

For you, the key takeaway is that your WhosOn servers are running – and will continue to run – as standard. Plus, your data is backed up and protected by a timetabled recovery process.

If you’d like more info on this process, or on our pandemic policy, please drop us a line and we can provide you with the fine details.

The steps we’re taking for our team

Meanwhile, we’re equally committed to protecting our team members. Your WhosOn team is still available via our standard operational hours, but they’ll be supporting you remotely. All our workforce is currently working from home.

Should an employee be unfortunate enough to contract COVID-19, we’re providing paid time off. So, team members will be able to quarantine where necessary without losing pay.

The takeaway here is that our team is as fully staffed as ever, as ready to help as ever, and as protected as possible.

Standing ready to serve

Ultimately, we’d like to reiterate that we’re here for you during these uncertain times. That’s why we’re offering things like free additional licences and fee-waivers to struggling businesses. If you need support from us, don’t hesitate to ask.

Thank you for being part of the WhosOn community.

Enterprise-grade chat - free to trial for 30 days

Before we start work on your chat project, we need to take the time to understand your business and its goals. Then, we can recommend next steps, start planning any custom work and get you set up with a free trial.

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