Vet Products Direct

A direct path to sales for Vet Products Direct
Vet Products Direct was looking for online innovation. A multi-national company with thousands of products across multiple ranges, the business needed a communication tool that would assist global sales, improve customer support and provide actionable analytics.
The challenge
Before the implementation of live chat, Vet Products Direct relied heavily on phone systems. With a vast and complex inventory, this meant time-consuming phone calls and deficient productivity. The company needed a cloud live chat solution complete with a callback and messaging system, to enable them to make 24/7 sales across the world.
The solution
After researching providers, Vet Products Direct selected WhosOn by Parker Software as their live chat solution of choice. In a tailored project, every aspect of the customer's need was scoped out and delivered. For example, a branded chat window was designed to integrate the chat window seamlessly into the existing website. In-built analytics were used to identify the best time to chat to customers. Pre-defined rules were established, facilitating proactive chat invites at opportune times. Agents could see if customers were hesitating in basket process or floundering on a complex veterinary product page, and reach out with timely support. Even better, the in-built Even better, the in-built call back functionality meant that international enquiries could be captured and converted.
The results
WhosOn is a resounding success for both sales and service. Vet Products Direct has reported:
- • Reduced call volume and increased first-contact resolution on customer queries
- • Increased online revenues and conversion rate
- • Increased use of in-built call back and message function for international sales
- • Improved productivity for call centre agents
- • Improved customer satisfaction and feedback
The feedback
“We have gained a significant ROI from WhosOn, and as result it features heavily across our website. WhosOn analytics is used throughout the business to gain valuable customer insight and to identify real-time customer conversion opportunities.” Sarah Gallagher, Marketing Manager, Vet Products